History of May 27: What all happened on this day?

Historical importance of 27th May: From Birthdays to historical events, things that you can’t miss!

On this day many cities were conquered, many battles happened and many discoveries, inventions were made around the globe. India also achieved a big success after conducting a successful test of Nuclear Weapons and entered the league of the world nuclear powers.

Indian cricketer Ravishankar Jayadritha Shastri born

Born on May 27, 1962, Ravishankar is an Indian cricket coach, former commentator, cricketer and current head coach of the Indian National Cricket team. He played for Indian National Cricket team between 1981 and 1992 in both Tests and ODIs.

Politician Nitin Jairam Gadkari born

Born on May 27, 1957, Gadkari is an Indian politician from Maharashtra. He is currently the Minister of Road Transport & Highways of India and Shipping Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises for the Government of India.

Koduri Viswa Vijayendra Prasad born

Born on May 27, 1942, Vijayendra is an Indian film screenwriter and director. He is working in Telugu cinema and Bollywood. In 2011, he directed the Telugu Cinema Rajanna, which won the Nandi Award for Best Feature Film.

Read more: May 26 in History: 500 Pequot Indians were massacred by allied forces in Pequot village, Connecticut

1703 St. Petersburg found

On May 27, 1703, Czar Peter I, found the city of Petersburg as the new Russian capital. Peters reign was characterized by a string of military, political, economic and cultural reforms on the Western European Model.

1863 President Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus challenged

On May 27, 1863, challenging the authority of President Abraham Lincoln and the US military to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, chief justice Roger B. Taney of Maryland issues Ex parte Merryman.

1905 Battle of Tsushima Strait

On May 27,1905, the Russian Baltic fleet was nearly destroyed at the Battle of Tsushima Strait during the Russo-Japanese war. In this battle only 10 out of 45 Russian warships dodged the attack.

1937 Golden Gate Bridge opens

On May 27, 1937, Golden Gate Bridge in the United States of America was thronged open to the public after five years of construction. On the opening day there was a footfall of 200000 pedestrians.

Read more: Historical importance of 24th May From Birthdays to historical events, things that you

1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces

On May 27, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces unlimited national emergency in response to the Germany’s world domination.

1972 SALT agreement signed

On May 27, 1972, the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) agreement between Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev and U.S. President Richard Nixon was signed.

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