A look at the history of Buddhism
History of Buddhism: Buddhism was founded by Gautam Buddha (563-483 B.C)
- Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism who is known as “the Buddha,” lived during the 5th century B.C.
- He belonged to the Sakya clan of Kshatriyas.
- Suddhodana, the ruler of Kapilavastu is his father.
- He was born in Lumbini, now in modern day Nepal.
- His mother was Mahamaya of the Kosalan dynasty.
- Mahamaya died at child birth and Siddhartha was brought up by his step-mother Gautami.
- Siddhartha married his cousin Yashodhara and had a son Rahul.
- After seeing an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and an ascetic, he decided to become a wanderer.
- One night in 537 B.C., Siddhartha along with Kanthaka, his beloved horse and Channa his charioteer left home.At that time his age was 29 years. He went to live a life of an ascetic which is known as Mahabhinishkramana (the great departure).
- He first meditated with Alara Kalama and his next teacher was Udraka Ramput . He then meditated with five ascetics named Kondana, Vappa, Bhadiya, Mahanama and Assagi. Six years later he felt that fasting and penance was useless. The five disciples left him alone.
- Buddha got Nirvana at 35 years of age at Uruvela, on the bank of the river Niranjana, under a pipal tree.
- He gave his first sermon ar Sarnath (deer park) where his five former disciples had settled. To these five ascetics, he preached his first sermon and called it Dharma Chakraparavartana’.
- He died at the age of 80 in 483 B.C. at Kushinagara identical with village Kasia in Kushinagar district of U.P.
- His last words were all composite things decay, strive diligently.
Four Noble Truths
- World is full of suffering.
- All sufferings have a cause, desire, and ignorance of attachment.
- Sufferings could be removed by destroying the cause.
- To end sufferings one must know the right path
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Eight Fold Path
- Right View: World is full of sorrow.
- Right Aim: Love humanity.
- Right Speech: Speak the truth.
- Right Action: Selfless action.
- Right Livelihood: To live by honest means.
- Right Effort: Mental exercise to prevent
Bad thoughts
- Right Mindfulness:Observation of your own body and actions
- Right Concentration: Meditation will unravel the real truth
Buddhist Philosophy
- Agnostic i.e. neither accepted nor rejected the existence of God.
- Believes in the middle path Madhyam Partipada.
- Believes in rebirth and theory of ‘karma’, nonetheless does not believe in the existence of the soul.
- The karma and not the soul get transmigrated to different births, just like the waves move from one place to another without requiring any carrier.
- Believes in the transient nature of everything • The attainment of wisdom is “Nirvana
The death of Buddha and the liberation from the bondage of birth and death is called “Mahaparinirvana”.
1- Where did Gautam Buddha got Nirvana ?
2 – Who is the councilor of third Buddhist council?
– Ashok
3 – Who is the mother of Gautam Buddha ?
– Mahamaya
4 – Where did Gautam Buddha give his first
sermon? – Sarnath
5 – Bodhgaya is located in which state?
– Bihar
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6 – First Buddhist council was held at?
– Rajgrah
7 – What is the symbol of birth of Gautam Buddha?
– Lotus
8 – Who is the councilor of fourth Buddhist council?
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