SSC CGL 2019: Which are the 5 Major Battles of Indian history?

5 Major Battles of Indian History

Indian has always been a country with multiple cultures and dynasties forming different communities. Each community wants to conquer the world and hence, the history of India consists of an uncountable number of battles. There are 5 major battles in the Indian History which are as follows-

Major Battles of India in Chronological order

1. The Battle of Panipat (1526)

The battle of Panipat includes a series of three battles. The first battle was fought between the Lodhi empire and the Invading forces of Babur.  The first battle took place in late April 1526 in North India and marks the beginning of Mughal Empire. The Timurid ruler of Kabulistan, Babnur and his army defeated the enormous army of Ibrahim Lodi,Sultan of Delhi. It was one of the earliest battles which used gunpowder firearms and field artillery. This battle started the Mughal Regime. It made Mughals dominant in south Asia. The Sultanate dynasty started from here.

2. The Battle of Talikota (1565)

The battle of Taliakota was fought between Vijayanagara Empire and the Deccansultanates. This battle took place at Taliakota a town in northern Karnataka, near the southeast city of Bijapur. The defeat of the Vijayanagara Empire followed destruction and looting in Talikota. The result of this war strengthened the empire of Mughal forces. The Islamic states become politically dominant in South India also after the battle of Talikota.

3. The Battle of Karnal (1739)

The Battle of Karnal was a decisive victory for Afsharid dynasty whose founder was  Nader Shah, Persia, during the invasion of Mughal dynasty. The battle took place on the soil of Karnal on 24 February 1739 where the Nader’s forced defeated Muhammad Shah’s army within three hours. The battle of Karnal eventually weakened the powerful Mughal Empire.

4. The Battle of Plassey (1757)

The battle of Plassey is one of the most significant battles of Indian history as it marks the start of the British Empire in India. It started in the province of Bengal.  British East India The company started trading from Bengal initially. The Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-daulah had an alliance with the French allies who were against the british forces. The war between the Siraj –ud – Daulah’s army and British forces broke on June 23, 1757 on Bengali Soil. The Siraj – ud – Daulah’s army was defeated by the British forces.

5. The Battle of Kohima (1944)

The battle of Kohima is also called ‘Stalingrad of the East’. It is marked as the greatest defeat of the Japanese, which was an attempt to out rule the British forces from India.  In March 1944, Japanese forces in Burma started advancing into India. They had three Japanese divisions off which one was Indian National Army division (Indian forces allied with the Japanese). The Japanese forces were defeated by the Indian forces guided by the British. In fact, this war prevented the parts of India from going into Japanese hands.  

These are the major battles of India. Each one of them has had a great significance because of all of the out ruled some of the major leaders and established their own rule.

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